Some object to Japanese used rifles having Czech military acceptance markings. Loads of the rifles sold to China by the Germans came out of captured Czech military stores. Even though China was fighting Japan the Germans authorized shipments of Czech arms to China because China had Tungsten which was needed by the German war machine. One, they bought them and two they captured them from China. Apparently the Japanese acquired rifles two ways. Simson (as usual) gave me some great background material a couple of years ago when I got mine.

One, with just the P series serial number and NO CZECH date acceptance. There are 2 variations that exist with these. Last edited by dave 10-10-2011 at 06:49.Oh, sorry, I must have underestimated the bnz 45 tally. Many of these spare recievers were used during the early 30's, with a couple different markings. The O3 example from my list seems to be one of these with that worded stamping on the reciever ring, made in the 1920's. Keep in mind, many recivers were made much earlier and not used until the 1930's to assemble complete rifles. PS: there was no Czech Eagle, it was a standing lion, small stamps being a stick figure. The E (L) date could also have been removed when re-built. Your rifle should have the standing lion reciever crest (after 1933) or perhaps be stamped CS ZAVODY NA VYROBU ZBRANI BRNO on the reciever ring, so it is a rebuild and was removed. This is the date rifle was accepted by the Czech military but manufacture date should be close, at least the year. The only O3 on the list is E (lion) 35 (stippled over). My list of observed rifle serials shows all 3 series made from 1931 thru about 1936 (there is also a B4 thrown in that lot) Many have the E (lion) date stippled or peened indicating a post war rebuild. This was the Czech military serial system and was not used on export rifles. Is there a small stamp that reads like this E (tiny standing stick lion) and two numbers like 35? The 03 before the serial indicates rifle was made at Brno, if it was before the serial it would mean it was made at Bysterica.The o3 means it is the third time thru the alpahbet (do not know if they used all 26 letters).